Weekly Reflection #2

I don’t see H5P tool to be a useful took at the grade level i would like to teach. I would like to teach kindergarten which I think is best taught through hands on learning since they are developing cognitive and motor skills at this age. I personally believe that children at that age benefit more from physical interactions and play based learning than from spending time looking at screens.

  • In a kindergarten classroom, I don’t like the idea of video or audio editing as an assignment medium, but i can still incorporate multimedia strategies to enhance learning through the use of both pictures and words. I can create colourful visuals and use engaging images matched up with simple text which will hopefully capture the children’s attention and help them understand concepts more effectively. For example, I might use picture books, illustrated charts, and interactive displays that combine images with vocabulary so that my students can explore and interact with the material in a fun and meaningful way.
  • Multimedia Learning Theory, developed by Richard Mayer, suggests that people learn more effectively when information is presented through both visual and auditory elements because it engages different cognitive channels. By combining images, text, and sound in instructional videos or tutorials, students can process information more efficiently and retain it longer. Reducing excess details and carefully combining visual and verbal content heightens understanding, prevents cognitive overload, and creates deeper learning.

1 Comment

  1. hannedeener

    I appreciate your honest and professional response to the prompt of whether H5P tools will be useful or beneficial to the learning of kindergarten students. You mentioned how the learning at that stage of life should be more hands-on than through screens as the students still have fine motor skills and coordination to learn. I wonder if some children of this age group will already have the learned skills of technology due to parents’ technological awareness or use and utilizing these skills for more educational benefits could promote screens as a tool rather than a toy, though I understand they may be used for both. Additionally, I wonder about how adding more images to your blog post could break up the text slightly more.
    As a sephora-lover, I find the video you made about how to get free stuff from sephora very informative to my life and values. The highlight tool that you used in the video was helpful to me as I learned how to use that and it was utilized in an informative way! I wonder if putting light music in the background of this video would enhance it. 🙂
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

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