What are some major limitations of AI?

Some major limitations of AI are the lack of unique human creativity. AI can process and synthesize data but, it cannot replicate the personal uniqueness and individuality that each person has, specifically in creative work. Another big limitation is the biases within generative AI, such as racial and gender biases. This is very concerning because it reinforces systems of inequality, and fail to promote an inclusive, intersectional environment. Additionally, political and geographical biases should be considered when using AI. While being specific in AI prompts can help minimize some of these issues, the technology is still missing unique creativity individuality that only humans possess.

How have you fund GenAI useful or not in your educational purposes?

I’ve found GenAI to be incredibly helpful in my educational work. I often find that i express my ideas in confusing ways, and my thoughts can be scattered. When I write rough drafts, I tend to pour all my ideas onto the page in a way that makes sense to me, but most likely seems disorganized to others. I have used Chat GTP to help me reorganize my thoughts and give me suggestions in ways I can word things better to make my writing more understandable.